Myrtle and Charles Fillmore (circa 1925)

What is Unity?

Unity is a global, inclusive, spiritual community with spiritual centers located all over the world.

Unity was founded in 1889 in Kansas City, Missouri, by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore (pictured here). After Mrs. Fillmore’s remarkable healing using prayer and affirmations, many friends became interested in how she accomplished this healing. Unity grew from small prayer circles in living rooms to the worldwide movement it is today.

Unity promotes an approach to living that supports health, prosperity, happiness, peace of mind, self-respect, and self-reliance. We teach that the supremacy of consciousness is the path to healing every aspect of our life, and we can actively engage consciousness through affirmative prayer and spiritual education.

Our ministry is free of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Our sincere desire is to create a spiritually aware organization that is non-discriminatory and supports diversity.

We encourage you to explore and apply Unity teachings based on your own spiritual understanding.

We are one with Everything.

Unity is Part of New Thought

New Thought is an umbrella term for multiple progressive faith philosophies. The fundamental premise of New Thought is two-fold. First, there is only one creative source for all that exists, everything that is is not only a part of it, everything IS it. Second, the entire Universe of expression is the effect to an Infinite cause, and all things come into being based on an immutable law of cause and effect.

The history of New Thought can be traced back to the works of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, the Transcendentalist Movement (specifically the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson), even the words of Jesus and Plato. These seemingly disparate sources all point to a common idea: Love is the most powerful force for creation that exists.

The development of New Thought has resulted in three major movements that fall under the New Thought umbrella: Unity, Religious Science, and Divine Science.